Instagram is one of the most popular social media in the world. With millions of users and thousands of posts uploaded every single day, it’s very difficult to make your own post stand out.
You’re probably tired of repetitive selfies with song lyrics as the caption, the same vacation photos, and pictures from coffee shops that look so alike that you can’t even tell which one of your friends posted them. You probably want to do something different. You’re probably wondering, what to post on Instagram to get likes and impress your followers.
If you are, keep on reading.
Here are 17 amazing Instagram post ideas that will make your profile beautiful and memorable:
1. Give Advice
Have you read a hundred books in just one year? Do you have a self-care routine that makes you look fresh and ten years younger? Have you managed to learn a foreign language in record time using your own original technique? If there’s absolutely anything in the world that you think might be helpful to your followers, don’t hesitate to share it. People love getting tips on things that are important to them, and they will appreciate a post like this.
2. Share Your Morning Routine
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What is the first thing you do after you wake up? Do you need five cups of coffee to get the day started? Is there anything in particular that you need to get done before breakfast? You’ll be surprised when you see how many people are genuinely interested. If you are an entrepreneur and share such a personal story on Instagram, you’ll let your audience know that you’re almost their friend, a part of their inner circle.
3. Spread a Positive Message
Everyone loves seeing positive thoughts and messages. You can come up with a strong saying and collect likes and new followers but, what’s more important, be the reason why someone smiles today. Even getting one person to smile with your post is a big deal.
4. Write About a Book or a Movie
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You can get plenty of Instagram post ideas from what you are watching or reading. Are you currently reading an inspiring autobiography of a famous person? Have you recently watched a fascinating movie with a bunch of unpredictable plot twists? Have you started a TV-show that might become your new favorite? Share your opinion with the audience by posting a picture and writing a short review as the caption. Your followers will listen to your advice and, if they’ve read or watched what you’re talking about, even share their thoughts with you.
5. Celebrate Your Idol
Is there anyone in your life that inspires you every single day and keeps you moving forward, no matter what? Whether this is a family member, a close friend, or even a celebrity that you’ve never met, let the world know about them! Write about how this person influences you and gives you strength, share an anecdote or an interesting fact. Your audience will be able to relate to a post like that, and just reading about an inspirational person will make their day brighter, too.
6. Ask an Interesting Question
Come up with a question that will get your audience thinking and, most importantly, will receive a response from them. In your post, ask a question, answer it yourself in the caption, and interact with those of your followers who share their answers. It will show that their opinions matter to you.
7. Look Back
You shouldn’t be living in the past but there’s nothing bad with looking back every once in a while, and this rule applies to Instagram, too. Share a cherished memory with your followers, be it of your high school graduation or a rock concert that you went to exactly a year ago. A good thing about throwbacks is that you don’t need to make a new image for the post because it already exists on your phone or laptop.
8. Be Funny
If you found a picture or a meme that made you laugh so much that you nearly fell off your chair, share the good vibes with your followers. Alternatively, you can tell a story about something hilarious that happened in your own life. Or, provide your audience with bloopers from your latest photo shoot. One of the reasons why people use social media is because they want to be entertained, so such a post will be highly appreciated. It will also definitely receive lots of laughs and likes.
9. Show Your Pet
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There hardly is an Instagram user who doesn’t find pictures of kittens or puppies adorable! If you’re all out of Instagram post ideas but you have a pet, organize a photo shoot for it and make some cute shots from interesting angles. Your audience will love them and beg you for even more similar pictures.
10. Use Wall Art as Background
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You’ve certainly noticed some absolutely breathtaking graffiti and colored walls on the streets of your city. Why don’t you use them to make an eye-catching Instagram post? Pose in front of it, think of a witty caption, and you’ll have a gorgeous post that will make your followers stop from meaninglessly scrolling the feed and take a better look at your picture. This is one of our favorite ideas if you are struggling with what to post on Instagram.
11. Start a Challenge
Use Instagram to host a challenge that your followers will want to join. It can be anything you want, from challenging yourself to read 50 pages a day for a month, to seeing whether you can go from zero to a hundred push-ups in a hundred days. Make a post announcing the challenge, and then make regular posts updating your audience on the progress you’re making. Don’t forget to check if any of your followers joined in and give them your support.
12. Talk About Your Goals
What do you want to achieve in life? Your followers will be curious to find it out and happy to tell you about their own goals in the comments section. In fact, these goals don’t even have to be long-term: you can start by stating your goals for a single day or week. At the end of the period, you’ll be able to make one more post showing whether you achieved everything you wanted and setting your next targets.
13. Photograph Food
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Don’t wait for a dinner at a fancy restaurant to have an excuse to take a picture of your food. What you eat every day might look amazing, and your audience might actually be really interested in what you have for breakfast or for lunch. An oatmeal breakfast bowl with a glass of orange juice, a salad with potatoes or a piece of chocolate cake with a cup of tea will look great in your followers’ feed.
14. Cover Your Weekend Plans
Is there a festival you’re attending on the weekend? Or maybe it’s a seasonal holiday, and there’s a big event organized in your city? Or you’re meeting your friends whom you haven’t seen for ages? Your audience would love to hear everything about it, especially if you yourself are excited about your plans. You can even make a series of posts and announce the event at first, then show how you’re preparing for it and finally, leave a comment about how it went.
15. Brag About Your Wins
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You don’t have to win an Olympic medal or an Oscar to share your accomplishments with your followers. It just needs to be something you’re proud of, no matter how small it seems on the scale of the universe. Maybe you’ve won a prize in a local competition, got your first article published, or got the highest score in your final exam? Whatever your achievement is, don’t be afraid to share it. You’ll receive likes and many words of encouragement, and probably get to read inspiring stories of your followers’ small wins.
16. Photograph Nature
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The place where you live must have many beautiful landscapes, and you can make your audience’s day better by sharing one of them. The sea in the rays of the setting sun always looks stunning, and even something as simple as emerald grass or colorful wildflowers could look unique and feel like a breath of fresh air for your followers.
17. Spread Knowledge
Finally, you can use Instagram to tell your audience something that you have recently learned. It can be a fascinating fact from the animal world, a phrase in a foreign language that sounds interesting, or a recent accomplishment from the world of science. Everyone likes short facts about something they can relate to. So, choose your fact and take a pretty picture: you can’t go wrong with a post like this.
There literally are a million other things you can post on Instagram! The best thing you can do with your Instagram profile, however, is finding your own style and creating your own identity. Figure out what you’re interested in and what you’re eager to make regular posts about, and your audience will find you. Planning out content and writing down all of your ideas proves to be very helpful because it will save you from worrying about what to post on Instagram every time you unlock the screen of your phone.